2016. október 23., vasárnap

Ultimate kpop questions

1. Your top 10 favorite groups? Bts, Vixx, 2NE1, Exo, Big Bang, Got7, Girl's Day, Winner, Block B, Ikon
2. Top 5 biases: Ikon - Junhoe, Got7- Jackson, Kara - Youngji, Bts - J-hope, Exo - Chen
4. Your ultimate bias? Wang Jackson :heart_eyes::heart:
4. The first ever kpop song you listened to? Beast - bad girl
5. Top 3 girl groups? SNSD, Girl's Day, 2NE1
6. Top 3 boy groups? Bts, Winner, Big Bang
7. Your favorite song by______? Lucky J - No love
8. Your ultimate OTP? Jackji 
9. Your favorite MV by _______? 4Minute - Hate
10. How long have you been into kpop? 2015 óta
11. Your ultimate female bias? Youngji :v:
12. Your ultimate male bias? Wang Jackson :heart:
13. Your least favorite group? A tagokat kedvelem mert aranyosak, de a zenéjük nem jön be. Twice, Gfriend
14. Your least favorite song, by your favorite group? Bts - dope. Habár miatta szerettem meg a kpop-ot, mára már inkább már nem hallgatom. 
15. The best kpop dance is? Exo - Monster, Seventeen - Very Nice
16. In your opinion, who in kpop has the best rapping skills? Fuu neee. Imádom a rappereket, ők a gyengéim. Zico nagyon tehetséges, de szeretem Rapmon, Chanyeol és P.O. hangját.
17. Your favorite dancer? Sehun & J-hope
18. Your favorite leader? Suho
19. Your favorite maknae? Girl's day Hyeri
20. Your favorite visual? Suzy
21. Your favorite rapper? Sik K., Eung freestyle, Simon Dominic ha nagyon leszűkítem a kört. 
22. Which member of _______ do you find the hottest? 2PM összes tagját? 
23. Your favorite kdrama? Kill me heal me
24. Your favorite kpop idol who have starred in a drama? Sulli
25. What's the funniest thing your bias/bias group have ever done? Nem is tudom. Legtöbbet Got7-ön szoktam nevetni. 
26. EXO or BTS ? (band/otp/people/songs/mv/album) 
Band: exo
otp: Vkook, JiHope és VHope az életem
people: exo tagokat jobban szeretem emberileg
songs: bts
mv: bts. Imádom a koncepciójukat
album: bts

27. Do you own any merchandise? nem
28. If 27, what do you own? -
29. Your top 5-10 OTPs? Jackji az egyetlen akit shippelek. 
30. If you could switch bodies with ANY kpop idol, who would it be? Seolhyun
31. What position in a kpop group do you think you'd have? Main dancer, Lead rapper
32. What turns you the most on by kpop? Főleg a tánc.
33. What's your favorite song currently? Sik K. - Alcohol
34. What's your favorite MV currently? Sik k. - Alcohol :D
35. Your favorite group? Bts
36. k-pop, k-rap, k-indie or k-rock? K-rap 
37. Your favorite cover (song or dance) done by another kpop artist? Eric Nam - eyes, nose, lips
38. The most awkward moment in kpop was______? Amikor pár idol próbál vicces lenni, de nem azok :D
39. Your top 5 MV's? 4Minute- Hate, Sik k. - Alcohol, Exo - Monster, Bts - Epilogue, Big Bang - Bae Bae
40. Your top 5 kpop dances? Exo - Monster, Girl's Day - Expect, Seventeen - Very Nice, Bts - Save me, Crayon pop - do doom cheat
41. Favorite instrumental by ______? Chen, Baekhyun, Xiumin - for  you
42. Your favorite album of __________? Winner - Exit
43. Do you look at a groups music skills, or looks? Ha zenét hallgatok akkor nem az emberek külsejét nézem.
44. Your favorite femalexmale OTP? (if you have one) Jackjiiiiii
45. What song do you listen to when you're upset? Winner - Baby baby, Vixx lr - beautiful liar
46. A song that makes you happy? I.O.I - whatta man, Kim min Seung - Thumping, Crayon pop összes száma
47. A song that reminds you of someone? Vixx lr - beautiful liar
48. A MV that have made you cry? Winner - I'm young, Bts - Epilogue, I need you
49. The funniest MV is? Crayon pop - bar bar bar, Psy - daddy
50. Your favorite rap part? Block B - P.O. része a very good-ban, valamint BB T.O.P. bármelyik része
51. A moment in a MV that gave you the chills? Winner - baby baby egész klippje
52. The best female rapper is? Jessie
53. The best male rapper is? Simon D
54. Your favorite sub-unit? Vixx lr
55. If you could be a "coordi-noona", which group do you want to do their make-ups on and dress up? Got7
56. If you could be a manager to ANY kpop group. Who would it be? Girl's Day. Mennyit hűlyéskednék velük te jó ég
57. If you could be the CEO of an entertainment, what ent. would it be? YG
58. Kiss, fuck, marry ______,______&_______?(2PM) Wooyung, Chansung, Nickhun
59. A place you want to take you and your bias to? Thailand álmaim egyik országa.
60. Ballads, or up-beat songs? Ugh... attól függ milyen kedvem van. 
61. Your top 5 pictures of your bias without make-up? most nem fogok keresgélni, annyi időm azért nincs :D
62. Put your ipod/phone songs on shuffle. The first song is the song you and your bias is going to get married to. Exo - lotto. Jongdae itt jövök 
63. What's the first kpop related you see when you look to your left? -
64. What would you do if you could have your bias for 1 month? Elmennék vele valamilyen egzotikus helyekre, valamint szerintem egész nap az ágyat nyomnánk....(if u kno what i mean...)
65. If your favorite group came on your door, what would you do? Pfff XD megmondanám nekik hogy várjanak egy órát amíg puccba nem vágom magam
66. The weirdest dream you've ever had about your bias(or other k-idols)? ha még emlékeznék is rájuk :D tudom, hogy nagyon jó volt az álom, de amint felkelek fél perc múlva el is felejtem 
67. Ever been to a kpop concert? sajnos még nem
68. Your favorite fanart of your bias? -
69. Why do you like kpop? ezt nem lehet elmagyarázni, csak akkor érted meg ha benne vagy a dologban. 


1. Who was the first kpop group you became a fan of?
  ♡  Bts
2. How did you find out about them them?
  ♡  reakció videót néztem, és megtetszett a dope számuk.
3. What is the first kpop song you heard?
  ♡  Beast - bad girl
4. Who was your first bias?
  ♡ Jimin - bts
5. Are they still your bias now?
  ♡  nem, de erősen biaswrecker
6. How does your bias rank in your heart? Do you love them more than, say, ice-cream?
  ♡  A fagyinál mindenképpen jobban szeretem a biasaim, mert nem vagyok nagy fagyis, de ha mondjuk a kedvenc kajám vagy bias közt kéne választanom, akkor inkább a kaja :D
7. How many kpop groups are you a fan of right now?
  ♡  mindegyik cspatnak vannak olyan számai amiket szeretek és ezáltal megszerettem őket, de ha csak azokat vesszük, akiket tényleg napi szinten követek és csorgadozik rájuk a nyálam, akkor 9
8. Who are they?
  ♡ Exo, bts, crayon pop, 2ne1, got7, big bang, winner, ikon, 2pm
9. Which group is your favourite?
  ♡  nehéz választanom. Zeneileg Winner, viszont mindent összevetve Bts
10. How long have you been a kpop fan?
  ♡  egy éve
11. Who is your ultimate bias?
  ♡  Wang Jackson
12. Which kpop couples/friendships do you ship the most?
  ♡  Jackji
13. Which company is your favourite?
  ♡  egyik sem igazán
14. In terms of looks, which group is the best?
  ♡  Exo és 2pm
15. In terms of songs, which group is the best?
  ♡  Big bang, Winner, Bts
16. In terms of dance, which group is the best?
  ♡  Bts
17. Which group would you prefer to be classmates with in real life?
  ♡  Block B, Girl's day és Got7
18. Which group would you prefer to be drinking buddies with in real life?
  ♡  2pm
19. Which group would you prefer to work with in real life?
  ♡  Got7, mert elég őrűltek és biztos jót mulatnék rajtuk
20. Who would you want as a best friend?
  ♡ Girl's day lányokkal, leginkább Hyerivel
21. Who would you want as a brother?
  ♡  P.O., Chanyeol,Yugyeom, Seungri
22. Who would you want as a sister?
  ♡  Park bom, Minah, Momo
23. Who would you want as a boyfriend/girlfriend?
  ♡  Valakit a bias listámról lol
24. Who would you want as a friend with benefits?
  ♡  Jay Park, Suho, Chansung és még bőven  sorolhatnám :D
25. Who would you want as a husband/wife?
  ♡  Valakit a bias listámról, nehéz lenne választani.
26. What is your favourite drama?
  ♡  Kill me, heal me
27. What is your favourite radio show?
  ♡  arirang radio.
28. What is your favourite variety show?
  ♡  Running Man, Happy together, star show 360, Infinity challange
29. Who would you like to see on We Got Married?
  ♡  Youngji x Jackson
30. Who would you like to see on Running Man?
  ♡  Got7, főleg Jackson-t, song jong ki-t, hogy megint együtt legyen az eredeti stáb :')
31. Who would you like to see on Hello Baby?
  ♡  Block B lol
32. Who would you like to see on Weekly Idol?
  ♡ Got7 mindig sírok amikor ők vannak, valamint ikon, mert ők még egyszer sem voltak
33. Who is your favourite WGM couple?
  ♡  nem nézem a műsort, egyedül Henry-t néztem egy ideig benne
34. Who is your favourite Running Man member?
  ♡  nagyon nehéz választani, mert mindegyiket imádom. Talán Haha az aki egy picivel a többiek fölé emelkedik
35. Which group did you like best on Hello Baby?
  ♡  nem igazán néztem
36. Which group do you like best on Weekly Idol?
  ♡  Amikor Winner először szerepelt az vicces volt, de got7 akik miatt végem van
37. What is your all time favourite music video?
  ♡  4Minute - hate
38. What is your all time favourite song?
♡ huh ez nehéz. Talán Lucky J - No love az a szám, amiket egyszer sem tudom átugrani
39. What is the last show you watched?
  ♡  Star Show 360
40. List 5 of your favourite groups and then fill in the questions below about them! 
  ♡  Exo
  ♡  Bts
  ♡  Big bang
  ♡  Girl's day
  ♡  Got7
Group 1 - Exo
41. How did you discover them? 
  ♡  youtube beadta az overdose számukat, de nem igazán jött be. Nem szeretem a nagy hipeolást, ezért alapból úgy álltam hozzájuk, hogy ehh... Aztán megnéztem a call me baby videójukat, de az se nyerte el a tetszésem. Végül a Monster számukkal nyerték el a szívem, de annyira, hogy azóta feltornázták magukat a top 3 kedvenc csapataim közé. Ráadásul ők az egyetlenek, ahol számomra tényleg mindenki visual és meghalok bármit csinálnak.
42. What was the first song that you heard?
  ♡  Overdose
43. What was the first music video that you watched? 
  ♡  Az első videó amit teljesen megnéztem az a Monster
44. Who was your first bias?
  ♡ Akire először igazán felfigyeltem az Chanyeol volt.
45. Which is your favourite song?
  ♡  Monster
46. Which is your favourite music video?
  ♡  Monster
47. Is your bias the same as of now?
  ♡  Nem. Átpártoltam Jongdae-hoz, és maradok is.
48. Your favourite pairing/friendship?
  ♡   ChanHun, SuChen
49. Which member is the funniest?
  ♡  Őszintén szerintem Suho :D
50. What is your favourite show they have guested/starred in?
  ♡  Exo nextdoor
51. What is your favourite album?
  ♡  Ex'act
Group 2 - Bts
52. How did you discover them?
  ♡  Mint említettem, reakcióvideót nézve. Köszi fine bros!
53. What was the first song that you heard?
  ♡  Dope
54. What was the first music video that you watched? 
  ♡  Dope
55. Who was your first bias?
  ♡  Jungkook és Jimin voltak akik között vaciláltam
56. Which is your favourite song?
  ♡  Save me, I need you, 21st century girl
57. Which is your favourite music video?
  ♡ Epilogue
58. Is your bias the same as of now?
  ♡  Nem. Megismertem J-hope-ot...
59. Your favourite pairing/friendship?
  ♡  Vhope
60. Which member is the funniest?
  ♡  Taehyun, olyanokat csinál, hogy csak ránézek és nevetek, néha igazán fogyatékos. :D Igazi biaswrecker
61. What is your favourite show they have guested/starred in?
  ♡  bts bomb
62. What is your favourite album?  ♡  Young forever
Group 3 - Big Bang
63. How did you discover them? 
  ♡  Mindenhol ott voltak youtube-on, elég nagy nézettségi számmal szóval...
64. What was the first song that you heard?  ♡  Fantastic baby
65. What was the first music video that you watched? 
  ♡  Bang Bang Bang
66. Who was your first bias?
  ♡  T.O.P.
67. Which is your favourite song?
  ♡  If you, Let's not fall in love
68. Which is your favourite music video?
  ♡  Sober
69. Is your bias the same as of now?
  ♡  yepp
70. Your favourite pairing/friendship?
  ♡  nem igazán van
71. Which member is the funniest?
  ♡  Seungri
72. What is your favourite show they have guested/starred in?
  ♡  Running Man
73. What is your favourite album?
  ♡  Made
Group 4 - Girl's day
74. How did you discover them? 
  ♡  Már nem is igazán emlékszem
75. What was the first song that you heard?
  ♡  Something
76. What was the first music video that you watched? 
  ♡  Something
77. Who was your first bias?
  ♡  Hyeri
78. Which is your favourite song?
  ♡  Expect, I miss you
79. Which is your favourite music video?
  ♡  I miss you
80. Is your bias the same as of now?
  ♡  öhm... Igen, bár Minah eléggé küzd az első helyért már egy ideje
81. Your favourite pairing/friendship?
  ♡  HyeRa
82. Which member is the funniest?
  ♡  Hyeri
83. What is your favourite show they have guested/starred in?
  ♡  One fine day
84. What is your favourite album?
  ♡  Love
Group 5 - Got7
85. How did you discover them? 
  ♡   Roomate-t néztem, amiben ugye szerepelt Jackson, ezért rákerestem a bandára.
86. What was the first song that you heard?
  ♡  Just right
87. What was the first music video that you watched?
Just right
 ♡  88. Who was your first bias?
  ♡   Jackson
89. Which is your favourite song?
  ♡ If you do
90. Which is your favourite music video?
  ♡  If you do
91. Is your bias the same as of now?
  ♡   Igen <3
92. Your favourite pairing/friendship?
♡   YoungJin
93. Which member is the funniest?
  ♡   Jackson my fcking bias. De amúgy az összes tag nagyon vicces
94. What is your favourite show they have guested/starred in?
95. What is your favourite album?
  ♡  Fly
96. Who is your favourite actor?
  ♡  Uhuh... Nagyon nehéz. Ji Sung talán
97. Who is your favourite actress?
  ♡ Hwang Jung-eum
98. Do you create any fanwork (art/fiction/ect)?
  ♡  nem
99. Favourite korean word?
  ♡   aish :D :D én is elég gyakran mondom
100. Any cool kpop-related anecdotes to tell? -

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